How Should the Church Respond to Needs of Gen Z?
Young people need a community where faith and real life intersect in meaningful ways, rather than simply attending traditional worship services. If the church truly wants to attract and retain young people, it must respond to their desires and allow for a faith experience.From Comic Exhibits to Gen Z Choir: Guangzhou Churches Evangelize Youth Through Engaging Activities
Guangxiao Church and Zion Church, two of Guangzhou’s leading and historical churches, are pioneering youth-focused outreach efforts to counter the decline in youth attendance.Guangzhou Church Recruits ‘Gen Z’ Choir
Zion Church in Guangzhou intends to establish a youth choir of Gen Z to revitalize the church's worship.Gen Zs Belong then Believe, Says Professor and Student Ministry Leader at Lausanne 4
In the speech named “Gen Zs in Missional Community, God’s New Society”, Professor Denise-Margaret Thompson emphasized to all attendees the significance of Generation Zs for God’s mission today and that the church must engage and equip them in accord with their characteristics.Interview: Insights From a Seasoned Pastor for Gen Z Ministers
Regards the challenges faced by young ministers in serving, pastor Huang, who has been serving for over twenty years since graduating from seminary shared his personal experiences, offering insights and encouragement to young theological graduates from Generation Z.Story of Gen Z Student's Recovery from Depression
Being admitted to his dream school as a graduate student, Mingjie suddenly felt lost. By the second semester of his senior year, he felt seriously meaningless. Eventually, through the words of God, he emerged from this swamp.Feature: Youth Ministry Makes Innovations to Attract Gen Z
An increasing number of young believers are leaving the church to seek opportunities elsewhere, including those who serve as church workers and theological students. However, some youth fellowships are exploring and experiencing success in receiving, shepherding, and calling young people.Interview: Gen Z Overcomes Pressure in the Workplace
Gen Z Brother Lin who became a Christian in his first job encountered the same pressures and problems as others in his work. However, after uniting with church pastors, he made wise responses to the work and interpersonal relationship pressure in his workplace.Gen Z Series: Pastors Need to Build Relationships with Young Believers and Cultivate Church Culture
Pastor Cao Qien and Brother Liang Weibin (pseudonym), from South China, shared their pastoral experiences on how the church can better reach and shepherd Gen Z. read more
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